Enallaktiki Paideia Lecturers.
Life-long Learning Center Enallaktiki Paideia, is constituted by distinguished Astrologers, with extensive experience in teaching Astrology, as well as in counseling. Our vision is to upgrade Astrology to the high level it deserves. To achieve this, we work with the most important Greek astrologers but we also often host astrologers from abroad, to give special seminars. Our teachers are well known for their moral ethics, nice character and “positive vibes”, while their powers of communication, and their love for the subject matter help the student to assimilate knowledge and enjoy his studies.

Predictive systems
Vasia Konti is the director of “ Enallaktiki Paideia ” school. Her goal, and also her renowned collaborators’ goal, is to upgrade Astrology to the high level it deserves. Vasia Konti is an Economics Department of Law graduate since 1989. She started studying Astrology in 1994, completed her studies at Bristol School of Astrology, and Alphee Lavoie’s school in the United States. Since 2000, she works as a professional astrologer, at a personal sessions level and writes articles in major printed and e-magazines, in regular and recurrent columns, about predictions as well as contemporary relationship issues.
She teaches: 1st and 2nd Cycle Courses – Masterclass (Basic body of courses, Predictive systems).
Specializes in: Predictive systems (Secondary Progress, Solar Arc, Solar and Lunar Returns, Annual Profections, Eclipses).

Retrograde planets, Chiron, Synastry
Vasia Mavrakis is an Astrologer/Writer. She lives and works in Athens. Her greatest love, following the love for her family, is Astrology, and the endless journey of exploring the universe through it. She writes articles in well-known magazines and websites, and has a marked participation in television and radio shows. Her source of inspiration is everything she loves and is surrounding her, as well as her travels to places directly connected to her writing references. Her life motto is “God’s plan for us, our natal cosmogram, our unique imprint on Universe, and our free will to manage it, enable each of us to evolve and advance in life”.
She teaches: 2nd Cycle Course (Retrograde planets, Chiron, Synastry).
Specializes in: Relationship Astrology.

Karmic, Draconic, Evolutionary Astrology
Nona Voudouri was born and raised in Thebes. Her initial studies were in modern and classical singing. Her love for Astrology manifested itself very early, and as a natural aftermath, she attended and completed her Astrology studies at the Center for Lifelong Learning ” Enallaktiki Paideia”, and attended specialized astrological seminars under renowned astrologers in Greece and abroad. She has studied Horary Astrology under Mary Galanou at ” Enallaktiki Paideia” school, but her main specialization is on Karmic, Draconic and Evolutionary Astrology. She firmly believes that apprenticeship never ends. She collaborates as a columnist with Oroskopos.gr and with Smiljana Gavrancic’s IAM Infinity Astrological Magazine, with a regular column, amongst astrologers from all over the world. Since 2018, she joined in ” Enallaktiki Paideia” teachers.
She teaches: 1st Cycle Course (Basic body of courses, Modern, Psychological, Karmic astrology).
Specializes in: Karmic, Draconic, Evolutionary astrology.

Modern and Psychological Astrology
Angeliki Vlachioti was born in 1977 in Athens. She is a Communication & Media Department of the University of Athens graduate. She has worked for a decade in the electronic and printed press, as well as in Press Offices as a journalist, until she discovered Astrology and its Celestial world, first as a student of Elena Menegou, and then as a graduate and teacher at “Alternative-Education” Center for Lifelong Learning. The wondrous, liberating world of Psychological Astrology is her own field of teaching and research. The only world where one can find answers to the most tormenting “whys” of human existence, but can also find the “keys” to success and fulfillment in every area of life. Some of her collaborations were in “Downtown” magazine and the news site “thetoc.gr”, writing the astrological forecast column, while in 2018 she introduced, for the first time in Greece, Quantum Systemic Astrology seminars in collaboration with a Systemic Family Constellation therapist.
She teaches: 1st and 2nd Cycle Courses (Basic body of courses, Modern and Psychological astrology).
Specializes in: Psychological and Esoteric Astrology.

Horary Astrology
Mary Galanou holds a Diploma from the Mayo school of Astrology. She loved John Frawley’s “True Astrology”. She attended his Seminars in Oxford, Beulah, Regensburg and Thessaloniki. She continued by translating important books of her teacher. The “Handbook of Horary Astrology” and “True Astrology” are already published, while “Sports Astrology” is getting ready.
She teaches: Horary Astrology
Specializes in: Traditional and Horary Astrology. (Horary Astrology Course).

Stavros Marinos was born in Athens in 1981. He holds a degree
in Sociology from the University of Crete and a master’s degree in
International Human Resource Management from London Metropolitan
University. He is also involved in music and composition. From an early age
he turned inwardly towards the spiritual path, discerning that only
esoteric sciences can essentially help spiritual development. This inevitably led to the study of Astrology since 2005 under the tutelage of the astrology and spiritual teacher Elena Menegou, acknowledging it as the best possible way of understanding both our outer and inner world as well as the connection between them. His client based is expanded worldwide while his astrological approach has its goals in knowing thyself and the soul as well as the collective human evolution.
Stavros will teach this year’s 1st Cycle Course about psychological identification of Natal Chart.

Polykarpos Nikolopoulos was born and raised in Athens. With initial studies in Preservation of Old Books, Art of bookbinding and Paleography, he worked for many years in the field of books. As early as his teenage years he sought and looked into Alternative Therapies through Eastern Zen philosophy, and specialized as a Reiki master, Tachyon healer and Breathwork and he has practiced various meditation techniques (Vipassana, Dynamic Meditation, experiential and mindfulness meditation), under great teachers and mentors. This search led him to the great world of Astrology, and he graduated from Enallaktiki Paideia School (Astropaideia), completing the two-year program, and Master class in Modern Astrology, and Horary Astrology as well as Karmic and Evolutionary Astrology Courses.
Polykarpos Nikolopoulos teaches Astrology for therapists, as well as those interested in indulging in alternative therapies and healing, through a holistic approach.

Chrysi Vasiliadou was born and raised in Athens. He has studied accounting, marketing and classical singing. Her interest in Astrology dates back to her childhood. She completed her studies in Alternative Education and specializes in Selective Astrology in which she is doing postgraduate studies in the USA with important teachers of the global community. She is also interested in psychological astrology which she aspires to take to a higher level by giving young people a boost in self-awareness. He has completed a training program for self-improvement and assertive behavior at EKPA (at the psychology department)
He writes articles on the website www.astroteam.gr
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16.00 ΜΕ 22.00
11.00 ΜΕ 19.00